Tools like the robot arm are not neutral. The tools chosen for design ultimately influence how designers work and what they produce. The relationship between designer and tool is not one of utility, but collaboration.
Innovations in wireless technology has allowed unprecedented forms of communication and collaboration. By channeling this technology, the project creates a pavilion that is the physical manifestation of the collaboration between social, individual, and machine logic.
At the end of 2016, hundreds of professors, graduating students, and parents visited Avery Hall to attend the GSAPP End of the Year Show. We invited visitors to make drawings on a whiteboard, which were read by the UR3 via a webcam. The robot arm then imitated those drawings by depositing layers of diluted wood glue on sawdust. The project collected the inputs of over 20 participants. The hardened sawdust represented the record of human and machine collaboration.
Designed by © 2016 Da Ying, Ruomeng Wang, and Rae Zhuang. All rights reserved.